Meal Distribution | Distribucion de Alimentos
almost 5 years ago, Meadows Knights
Meal Distribution | Distribucion de Alimentos
Meal Distribution | Distribucion de Alimentos
Meadows Union School District Covid-19 Operations Written Report
almost 5 years ago, Meadows Knights
Meadows Union School District Covid-19 Operations Written Report
Meadows Union School District Covid-19 Operations Written Report
The Meadows family has suffered a big loss. Mr. Topete was a man of God, a loving husband, father, and grandfather. He had a caring heart for our Meadows students, parents, and staff. He will be greatly missed
almost 5 years ago, Meadows Knights
Mr. Topete
TK & Kinder Registration Deadline June 19th | Fecha Límite 19 de Junio
almost 5 years ago, Meadows Knights
Deadline June 19th | Fecha Límite 19 de Junio
Class of 2020 8th Grade Promotion Video | Video de promoción de la clase de 2020 de octavo grado:
almost 5 years ago, Meadows Knights
8th Grade Promotion
Meadows Parents, please complete the following survey: Thank you! Padres de Meadows, favor de completar este sondeo, gracias.
almost 5 years ago, School Counselor- Mrs. Piceno
8th grade-
almost 5 years ago, School Counselor- Mrs. Piceno
8th meeting summary
almost 5 years ago, Meadows Knights
COVID-19 Letter to Parents
COVID-19 Letter to Parents (SPANISH)
Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten registration for the 2020-2021 school year is available now! By appointment only. Please call 760-352-7512 Ext. 1022. Flier attached. Solo por cita. Por favor llame al 760-352-7512 Ext. 1022. Folleto adjunto.
almost 5 years ago, Supt. Keila Rodriguez
Kindergarten Registration is open please call for appointment only